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Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Childhood Memory ...

Co-Worker, My Sister Jyoti Singh 

An extract of a childhood memory, 
the main character is ME – Preeti !

My Sister And Me ( Childhood @HPS )

Occasion : Outing with parents on a Sunday 
Venue : A hotel room in Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
Time Alloted : 10 am to 5 pm :(
Specially granted by the hostel authorities. 
We were allowed only on the alternate Sundays


Children are playing in their white and blue games uniform.
It's winter and sun is about to set.

A lady teacher walks upto a petite girl of about five who is
sitting in a circle of 'ringa ring'o roses' with a group of

The teacher has another girl along with her who is holding
her hand.


Preeti Singh!
The girl looks at the teacher.
You want to see the new mickey
mouse paintings we've got on the
dust-bin in the front lawn?

The girl looks baffled. She looks at the girl with the
teacher but she doesn't get any sign from her.
As she gets up from the circle to go, the girl next to her
whispers to her.

I think your parents have come...
But new students are not supposed
to meet their parents for two
months.. It's only been two weeks.

The girl just shrugs her shoulders and Preeti walks holding
the teacher's hand.

The teacher walks with the two girls, holding their hands,
towards the front lawn where an old man is drawing a mickey
mouse on the white dust-bin.

Don't you girls like Mickey Mouse?
I like Donald Duck!
Preeti looks around as the teacher gets busy with showing the
different paints and brushes to the other girl.

Suddenly Preeti's eyes spot a few people in the principal's
office, across the lawn, looking at them. The office is far
and the dark iron-meshed door prevents her from seeing
inside. The view is very vague.

She leaves the hand of the teacher and starts to walk away,
but the teacher gets alarmed and holds her back.

The other girl into the direction Preeti's pointing and she
tries to run too when the painter holds her.
The girls continue to scream but the hands of their captors
are too strong.

Their gaze is fixed on the door, but there is to be no
movement behind the door and no one comes out.
They are both dragged from the gravel path, their feet barely
lifting, back to the playground.
The sun sets as the tears roll down on their cheeks.

Let Me Fly .. .. ! 

To be Continued.. .. 

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